I graduated in 2021 with a desire to do values-driven work above all else.

I took a look around me at a ‘green’ jobs fair and it was my conversation with Jill Poet, CEO of ORB, that struck me as a truly authentic one. I am proud to say I have always placed importance in the social realm as well as the environmental one, summarising its intertwining here: ‘it is not possible for a suffering planetary population to enable environmental flourishing, nor for human flourishing to persist on a suffering planet.’ Extract from my article The True Meaning of Sustainability. I write blog posts and informative newsletters about the ESG movement for small and micro businesses — each ESG aspect affects these smaller entites in totally different ways and ORB’s approach is never one size fits all. My bachelors is in English so writing and marketing skills have transferred over from that; I’m happy that I placed purpose over profit when using them.