Dr Laura David

I am an NHS GP by background, previously a surgeon, channeling all my clinical expertise and that of my now team of over 100 doctors in Smart About Health, into providing bespoke, evidence-backed, professionally-led workplace wellbeing programmes and trainings.

I am also an NHS England Clinical Entrepreneur.

I am also a mother of two young girls (now aged 8 and 5) and am bringing them up to be strong young women, knowing there are no limitations to their paths in life.

I suffered with post-natal depression after the birth of my second daughter and channeled my loss of identity, and need for discovery into creating Smart About Health – a purpose driven business enabling companies to truly support good health and wellbeing of it’s staff, in a non-one size fits all approach. We focus on prevention, being proactive and understanding intersectional aspects of health, to empower people to prioritise their health and wellbeing.

I feel fortunate that we can connect clinical experts to workplaces to help everyone to be smarter about health.