I am a physician by background with an MD in Hospital Administration with 7 years of experience in health tech.

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working at the intersection of healthcare and technology, witnessing the transformative power of digital solutions in improving patient outcomes and healthcare delivery.

My experience has equipped me with a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in the digital health landscape.

My professional journey in the healthcare field has been marked by a steadfast commitment to delivering exceptional patient care and driving transformative change through innovation. My experiences have honed my ability to lead and collaborate effectively in demanding healthcare environments while upholding the core values of healthcare.

I bring a wealth of experience at senior clinical leadership levels in medical management, with a strong emphasis on retaining a meaningful clinical and research profile. I have constantly kept abreast with the latest development in healthcare research and have published 8 articles in my area of expertise and will continue to upskill with new information and knowledge to contribute towards patient care.

I regularly mentor product managers to help them hone their skills and excel in their field. I do this in an attempt to give back to the community and help individuals as I believe we never grow in isolation and it takes a community to exalt a person. By sharing my experience and insights, I aim to foster a collaborative environment where we all grow together.