Finn Shorrock

Over the past six years, my professional journey has been rooted in marketing, where I’ve cultivated a passion for digital marketing.

With a particular emphasis on social media, website optimisation, email marketing, event invitations and management, as well as video creation, I’ve honed my skills and expertise in various components of the digital landscape.

My first employment was at an eCommerce company, this sharpened my focus on social media strategies, website creation, email marketing campaigns, and influencer collaborations, providing me with invaluable practical experience and insights into driving online engagement and conversions.

I started at my current company with a Digital Marketing apprenticeship, providing me with invaluable hands-on experience and a solid foundation to build my expertise and knowledge in the specialised industry that is the financial sector.

I’ve consistently gravitated towards leveraging digital platforms to create impactful campaigns and drive brand awareness and engagement. Whether making compelling email marketing strategies to nurture customer relationships or harnessing the power of social media to amplify brand messaging, I’ve always been motivated to stay updated on the latest technologies and trends to meet marketing objectives.

My diverse experiences have shaped me into a versatile marketer, capable of developing strategic campaigns and initiatives tailored to meet the unique needs of each project and audience.