Grace Beckham

Whether bundling up last-minute bouquets for an online florist start-up in Singapore, designing steel superstructure for Grade II* listed London prime real estate, or providing IT consulting for UK central government clients, I have enjoyed the consistent thread of tackling problems through creative teamwork in my career so far.

My background in Structural Engineering gave me a solid foundation (pun intended) to grow analytical skills and embed the importance of best practice and industry standards, as well as the dual need for `doing maths` and the ability to communicate and coordinate across a myriad of teams.

I joined BAE Systems Digital Intelligence as a Business Consultant in 2019 and have since enjoyed unpicking processes and identifying problems, learning to ask better questions to determine needs and propose solution options. I have been grateful for opportunities to progress my personal development through achieving the BCS Business Analysis Diploma, obtaining TOGAF Certified and building product experience through the Prod MBA bootcamp.

Appreciative of those who have supported me thus far, I am inspired to support colleagues in my role as a Career Manager as well as previously running our Management Consulting Buddy Scheme, to help new joiners find their feet.
Looking to the future, I am excited to continue as a `woman in technology` and see where it takes me. If it doesn`t involve more flowers… perhaps it can involve chocolate!