Hannah is a final-year medical student at Imperial College London with a strong interest in paediatrics and public health.

Throughout university, Hannah has demonstrated a strong commitment to voluntary work. In her second year, as part of her university’s Raising and Giving Society, she helped raise >£30,000 for charity and organised community outreach events. As a member of her Paediatrics society ”PlayTeam”, she volunteered with hospitalised children, later becoming “Volunteer Co-ordinator” and “PlayTeam Co-Chair” to support the society`s work.
During the pandemic, she joined a team of London medical students to organise a virtual paediatrics teaching series to facilitate the learning of students in response to COVID disruptions. Later on, as part of Right to Play society, she organised events raising >£11,000 for charity.

In her fifth year, she worked with medical school faculty to analyse exposure to inappropriate behaviours on clinical placements, and develop resources to manage challenging situations. As UH MedGroup Communications Officer she created social media content for a campaign promoting student safety following an increase in spiking incidents. In her final year, she organised an event promoting blood donations amongst university students, with >100 attendees.

For over three years, Hannah has acted as Director of Welfare for the Widening participation initiative “In2MedSchool” aimed at supporting aspiring medical students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In her role, she has managed a small team to protect the welfare of thousands of mentees and volunteers through creating safeguarding courses, developing policies, and arranging talks covering key topics to promote general wellbeing.