Hazal Turunc

Hazal Turunc is a trailblazing medical student and content creator who is passionate about using digital means to make impactful changes.

She also has wider responsibilities such as co-founder of a social mobility initiative called Journey2Med and a Creative Strategist & Student Partner at the Queen Mary University of London, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

Hazal continuously strives to help young people fulfil their academic potential and make medicine more accessible. She achieves this by participating in an array of initiatives and creating engaging content, while simultaneously managing her intense medical school studies. These initiatives include formally being a course representative of a cohort of over 300 students to better their educational experience, hosting virtual social mobility events and partaking in digital campaigns with UK government representatives and the National Health Service to improve health outcomes and accessibility to vital health information.

As a result of her pursuits, Hazal has been awarded the YouTube Creator Fund 2022 and had the opportunity to speak at institutions like the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry’s annual Executive Board Event about her work in using social media for good and the significance of digital outreach. She has also amassed a following of over 100,000 across social media, with many of these followers being young students who have been inspired, motivated and guided by Hazal’s content to also pursue a medical degree.