After completing my BSc Honors in Mathematics and Masters in Actuarial Science, I initially started my career in external audit.

Seeking a new direction, I embraced the challenge of technology, data, and analytics, where I gained valuable experience in leveraging data to drive insights and make informed decisions. It was during this time that I discovered my passion for the insurance industry.

Over the past two years, I have actively contributed to the insurance industry, assisting clients in navigating regulatory changes such as IFRS 17 and driving transformation programs. I have played a key role in leading data strategy initiatives and revolutionizing clients` approach to data and analytics, driving transformative outcomes. Additionally, I have been involved in actuarial transformation programs, streamlining operations and improving efficiency through the development of a proof of concept. By bringing my authentic self to work and leveraging strong professional relationships, I have made a tangible difference and effectively helped clients navigate through change.

My own journey of growth and development has instilled in me a strong desire to give back. I have been incredibly fortunate to have mentors who continuously pushed me to become the best version of myself and provided me with an incredible platform to thrive. By sharing my experiences, knowledge, and unwavering belief in the potential of others, I strive to create a better future for the insurance industry. I am dedicated to fostering an environment where everyone can thrive, ultimately creating a ripple effect of growth and success for generations to come.