Jess Heagren is an ex Financial Services Director, mother of four, award-winning CEO of That Works For Me, and author of landmark report Careers After Babies.
Jess was Strategy & Distribution director for insurance giant DLG before having children and set up their first Diversity Committee, leading the gender and working families strand. After having her first baby, she returned to work on a flexible working arrangement but as the only female primary caregiver on the board, and managing some 600 people across the UK, she couldn’t make the two work alongside one another. She left her career 10 months later.
Realising just how many women lose their careers after having their children she made it her mission to keep more parents in the workplace and set up That Works For Me shortly afterwards.
Jess now works with businesses to make them better employers for parents through the Careers After Babies accreditation programme and supports hiring through That Works For Me, home to thousands of parents seeking flexible work.