Karyna Tubolyeva

Karyna is 25 years old and was born in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Since she was 17, she moved to study in Slovakia and was active in international exchange programs. Back then she joined a market research company, where assisted with organising international educational events worldwide. After finishing her bachelor’s degree, she came to Germany in 2019 to start her masters studies in International Management. While studying she joined E.ON as a working student and thank to her hard work and involvement she has has started her career as a Conversational Expert just after graduating in September 2022. Since then she has been coordinating a team of conversational designers and by September 2022 she got promoted to lead a German-based team of professionals in Conversational AI at E.ON. Now Karyna is actively contributing to development and automation of customer support channels at E.ON Group and represents the company externaly.