After two years in private wealth management, Kate joined Bloomberg in New York into their Analytics department. She spent three years as a Team Leader in the Analytics department in New York and then in London, where she ran New Starter training and was selected for a secondment in Recruitment to help hit hiring targets. She then moved to the Sales department where she covers Buyside accounts in Ireland and has helped mentor new Sales representatives along with running the Spring Insights Internship for first year university students. Kate is active in recruitment efforts both in London and Dublin which aim to target female students interested in finance.
Kate graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and Economics from CW Post University in New York. She also had the opportunity to complete a semester abroad at Dauphine University in Paris.
Outside of Bloomberg, Kate is a member of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in New York where she volunteered at events to raise awareness about the disease and fundraises for the annual MS Bike Ride each year. She is an avid runner and recent health food nut, although is a closet cheese-fanatic.