Laura-Jane Piercy

Laura-Jane Piercy joined the Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) in October 2022 as the Defence Lead within the Partnerships and Impact Team.

This role sees her lead a team of seven embedded Defence Partners and three Exploitation Managers, ensuring the organisation has an understanding of defence challenges and the ability to showcase the impact of our work.

Prior to DASA she enjoyed a 20 year career within the Royal Air Force, joining in 2002 from college and into the Personnel Support Trade. A varied career path with 5 years experience in MOD Main Building and tours of Afghanistan and Al Udeid, she then decided to commission into the Personnel Branch. 10 years within the Officer cadre has given her a wealth of experience of employee wellbeing, discipline and staff work. Her final tour within the Royal Air Force saw her heading up the HR function at HQ Air Command – a privilege to command and look after a substantial workforce of over 2,400 employees.

Laura-Jane is married to Tim, a scientist within DSTL and has 2 young children; Isla and Jacob. They live in Winchester, having settled their over 10 years ago. Her family being the main driver for craving stability and leaving the RAF, she is grateful for the flexibility DASA brings to the work/life balancing act!