Louise Farrow

In the past year I have had the privilege of taking part in events which have helped numerous Cancer charities in and around the UK and those surrounding mental health.

I was also blessed with the opportunity to communicate with a great orphanage in Nepal who specialise in care of young women, where myself and my team will be visiting within the next year.

In service I have deployed to various locations where I have had the great honour of working with numerous different nations around the world. Our work has not only allowed us to form strong bonds, but also to assist in the effort to bettering their conditions.

Whilst in Iraq I was afforded the fortune to assist and aid with the NATO Building Integrity team, where we worked hard to implement anti-corruption methods within the Iraqi Ministry of Defence whilst also working alongside the Iraqi Government. The work that the NATO mission conducted over in Iraq is nothing short of fantastic, and there are real life changes taking place to better the lives of millions. Corruption within governments is something many countries sadly have the burden of suffering from, but with the efforts of many, burdens can and will be lifted throughout the world to make the world a better place for all. The work in Iraq allowed us to create a path which could lead to a more unified country and build an environment where corruption no longer exists, allowing better working environments.

I take great pride in offering my assistance and aid to whomever may require it and I believe in empowerment of everyone, no matter their gender, beliefs or culture which is something we can all champion.

I truly believe that the only way we can empower our people is by providing a suitable work/life environment to allow them to feel empowered. This falls to selfless leadership and a large amount of coaching and mentoring.