Lucy Ellis-Keeler

Lucy Ellis-Keeler is a Global Compliance Officer for Business Development and Innovation at a major bank, supporting the business growth in adherence with global laws rules and regulations.

Prior to this role, Lucy sat on the trading floor covering Commodities in Europe Middle East and Africa and solved cross departmental challenges and furthered people strategy in a Chief of Staff Office.

Before joining in 2021, Lucy completed a graduate program at another major bank, covering their Payments and Leasing business, and earning a certification in Regulations & Securities from the CISI. During this period, she started organising mentoring walks with US NGO, Vital Voices, which sparked her love for bringing together networks to inspire and empower communities.

Beyond her professional endeavours, Lucy mentors students with Career Ready and the University of Bristol, and leads volunteering and donation drives with Smart Works, a charity who empower women into employment through interview coaching and dressing. Lucy was selected as a UN Women UK delegate for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) and is a One Young World Ambassador.

Lucy is the co-chair of the Future Leaders Shadow Board (FLSB) for Women in Banking & Finance (WIBF) UK, a membership body that has championed women in financial services for over 40 years. Lucy demonstrates leadership and oversight of the Board as an advocate for governance she hopes to inspire organisations of all sizes to accelerate change through youth representation.