Naireen`s dedication to medical excellence is evident throughout her professional journey.

Beginning at St George’s, University of London, where she pursued a BSc in Biomedical Sciences and is currently pursuing an MBBS degree, she quickly emerged as an MBBS Peer Leader, renowned for her academic dedication. Her pursuit of excellence extended to Hull York Medical School, where she earned an MSc in Health Professions Education, conducting groundbreaking research on barriers to learning and mindfulness among first-in-the-family medical students, highlighting her commitment to inclusivity in healthcare education. Despite being the youngest and only medical student in a cohort of experienced professionals, her exceptional skills position her for prestigious MCADMED and FHEA titles.

Building on her academic achievements, Naireen revitalized SGULMEDED and OSCESOC, organizations dedicated to providing accessible medical education for UK medical students. With a focus on inclusivity, she expanded learning opportunities, attracting over 3000 attendees in three years.

In leadership roles, Naireen serves as the Director of Academia at In2MedSchool, where she leads initiatives supporting underrepresented students in medical school applications and spearheads research programs to enhance students` academic profiles. Beyond academia, she contributes to healthcare accessibility through Student MedAID London, collaborating to redistribute medical resources to under-resourced institutions abroad. Her fundraising efforts for initiatives such as Students for Kids International Projects and Teddy Bear Hospital have been instrumental in supporting charitable causes.

With her exemplary track record and unwavering dedication, Naireen continues to make significant contributions to the medical field and beyond, poised to drive positive change in healthcare.