Roha Raheel

As a south-east Asian woman, I always knew I wanted to become successful but didn’t have many role-models around me.

My parents always told me that I could achieve everything I ever wanted. With this mindset, I decided the sky was my limit. I’m Roha, a Cyber Security professional. After completing university, I went on to work for Sainsbury’s and run their Cyber Security Awareness programme. My experience spans over many sectors including Retail, Finance and now Marketing. Today I am helping lead a Cyber Vulnerability Management Programme for a global company. But as I progressed in my career, I couldn’t ignore the fact that there weren’t many women like me in cybersecurity. If women make up just 10% of the cyber workforce, how many of them are of colour? The answer is not many. It hit me that I had a responsibility to inspire and pave the way for future female leaders in this field. That is why I’m so passionate about advocating for Women in Tech. Seeing someone who looks like you in a position you aspire to be in can make all the difference, and I want to be that representation for others. I want to be the person I needed to see in the workplace growing up.