Three years ago I entered the BBC because I wanted to make a difference. I grew up in the heart of Bradford, in an inner city area steeped with deprivation but bursting with diversity. My family ran a Corner shop that brought the whole community together. It cemented my early years. After I graduated and tried different ventures, I realised that I wanted to capture the stories I had grown up in. I wanted to share the experiences of those who you rarely see in Mainstream media. And that’s what I have been doing. My journalism is very proactive, so I spend a lot of time going out into different communities building bridges and seeking out people who are quietly doing their work without any limelight. It is the hard work of these individuals I like to share. I also have built a reputation of uncovering stories that are often seen as taboo. I believe in ethical responsible journalism. That is, to tell a story without sensation, to tell it in a way that can encourage discourse and debate.