Samantha Hiew

Dr Samantha Hiew is the Founder of ADHD Girls, a social impact company with a dual mission to empower girls and women with ADHD to thrive in society and improve societal understanding of neurodiversity via intersectional lens.

Sam is a storyteller with a background in communications and medical science PhD, specialising in demystifying ADHD & neurodiversity. Sam’s work bridges two worlds – those with lived experiences of neurodivergence & those who don’t – so we work towards integration within society.

Sam delivers neurodiversity trainings built on the foundation of lived experience research through surveys, event-based learning, and stories of other neurodivergents.

To fulfil her wider advocacy mission, Sam delivers talks around “Science of ADHD” to the public at large and “Girls and Women with ADHD” to schools, colleges and universities to catalyse a change in minds and hearts, renewing understanding of what life as a neurodivergent truly look like.

With Sam’s own insights from living on the cusps of two cultures, ethnicity and class, balancing motherhood and career, working across 16 different sectors, she works to empower other female neurodivergents and champion gender equity at work.