My engineering journey is driven by a deep desire to innovate and overcome nature`s challenges.

With a proven record of achievements and a vision to inspire future generations, I strive to lead by example. Motivated by a sincere commitment to contribute to society and foster positive change, this recognition represents a pivotal opportunity to effect meaningful transformation.

I am currently working as a Systems Engineer at AAC Clyde Space, where I get to work on the most exciting space projects. Embarking on an academic voyage, I began with a Bachelor`s in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering in India. Subsequently, I pursued a Master`s in Astronautics and Space Engineering at Cranfield University, which laid the foundation for my journey into the realm of space exploration. Building upon this foundation, I am currently pursuing a second Master`s in Engineering Management at Brunel University London, demonstrating my unwavering commitment to continual learning and professional advancement. These qualifications have equipped me with a solid foundation and specialized knowledge essential for my career in aerospace engineering.

Having spent my formative years in India, I began a fresh phase in my professional journey upon relocating to the United Kingdom in 2021, amid the pandemic`s adversities. Rather than yielding to the hurdles of lock-down and unemployment, I pro-actively utilized my technical skills and interpersonal abilities to network, build connections, and pursue opportunities.

I`m an ardent art enthusiast, particularly drawn to dancing and painting. I like to maintain a rounded life blending creativity with STEM expertise.