Sarah Doherty

I have worked for HMRC since 2003.

I have undertaken a range of roles from helpline advisor, caseworker to external facing roles as an agent relations manager along with a range of management roles.

As an agent relations manager I delivered presentations at a series of private sector CPD conferences to improve voluntary compliance. I have extensive experience in operational roles, both as a manager and a caseworker and have implemented high profile projects within my directorate.

I joined The Adjudicator’s Office in 2017 to develop an induction programme for new starters and quickly expanded my portfolio of responsibility. I now inform on key strategic decisions and have management responsibility of the Business Management Team, leading on the Adjudicator Office transformation programme. I also have recent experience of complaints handling as a HMRC senior complaints team leader.

I am passionate in supporting The Adjudicator’s Office Vision to use learning from complaints to improve services to customers. I have a degree in English Literature and have also studied Economics.