After graduating from the University of Cambridge with a Bachelor`s degree in Natural Sciences, I worked for a decade at Goldman Sachs doing Equity Research.

However, after having two children, I was no longer able to continue a career in investment banking whilst being the sort of mother I wanted to be. At that point, I pivoted to Insurance, hoping it would set me up to build a long and sustainable career, even though it might mean an initial step backward in seniority. I started worked at the Bank of England, where I supervised insurance firms for four years, and then more recently at PwC.

In my two years at PwC, I have worked with insurance firms across a wide variety of projects to help them successfully manage significant regulatory challenges. My agility over this time means that I have broadened my areas of expertise from initially prudential and life insurance, to now also conduct regulation, and working across the general insurance, Lloyd’s and London Market sectors. Throughout it all, I have helped insurers navigate the regulatory impact of change driven by macro, technological and operational factors.

I grew up immersed in two cultures, with a Chinese mother and an English father. This, combined with the breadth of my career experiences, means I recognise the importance of understanding and celebrating people’s different perspectives and creating an inclusive environment. I am passionate about promoting diversity, equity and inclusion, and supporting other women in their career.