I studied economics at the University of Liverpool, drawn in by the combination of problem solving with real-world application.

During my second year, I completed the ‘PwC Women in Business Talent Academy’ where I was able to participate in several skills activities and hear from inspiring women about their journeys within the financial sector.

After graduating in 2015, I joined the PwC Assurance Graduate Scheme and was introduced to CASS. The Client Assets Sourcebook (CASS) regulations are set by the FCA to ensure the protection of Clients’ money and assets in the event of a firm’s failure. I was immediately drawn to working in a career where protecting clients was at the heart of the job.

Within PwC, I completed CASS audits for several large banks, eventually leading those audits working directly with clients and managing junior team members. I was promoted to manager a year in advance of the standard 5-year cycle.

In 2020 I joined RBC Brewin Dolphin’s (RBCBD) CASS Oversight Team keen to continue my career in CASS. Within RBCBD I have had a wide variety of responsibilities and opportunities to develop new skills. The opportunities afforded to me has allowed me to come into my own as a leader. Where I previously found public speaking daunting, I now engage with executives and senior leaders on an ongoing basis and present at Governance forums.

I look forward to continuing to develop my skillset and supporting RBCBD by embracing future challenges and opportunities to grow as a leader.