From the childhood itself I always thought that I was in love with science and its marvelous discoveries but I never understood why almost majority of my friends disliked it? When I thought deeply over it, I realised that it was due to my parents who practically showed me every experiment related to my textbook at home, which helped me immensely to understand the details of science. When the child is taken away from toys, he is detached from science. These words of Pratap Raychaudhari, an experimentalist from TIFR, were a great inspiration for me. When I started my graduation in physics at Fergusson college, Pune, I always thought how science can be made fun and interesting for children. When I entered Pune University for post graduation I came across Dr. Arvind Gupta’s project “toys from trash”. And that was the moment I thought about WONDERLAB. WONDERLAB workshops aim to fulfill the curiosity of all kinds of children be it “visual ordinary or kinesthetic “. According to current education system approximately 66% of students are benifited but the remaining students who are kinesthetic do not get hands on experience in science and so they dislike science. WONDERLAB is trying to make science fun and maintain the curiosity about science in children.