Sophia Parvizi-Wayne

I recently graduated from Duke University, North Carolina with high distinction in History and Journalism, with a minor in Innovation and Entrepeneaurship.

In the last year I founded Trado, a narrative technology company that uses NLP and modern storytelling techniques to tell any story using voice. Over the last nine months, we not only built out our product but hired, raised and created a product that hundreds are already excited to be a part of.(

Before that, I was involved in the early stages of the fem-tech company Freda, a period care company changing the way women view menstruation. Building out a company in a time where periods were incredibly stigmatised teaches you a lot about brand narrative, sales and partnerships for sure. You can find out more about Freda here (

At school, my focus was in the mental health space. Having suffered from Anorexia Nervosa, I launched a nationwide campaign to get mental health on the national curriculum. From hundreds of tv and radio appearances to working within parliament, our pilot scheme is now running with 30,000 children. That was the first time I knew I could solve a problem when I saw one.