After failing my A-Levels at the age of 18, I got my first taste of work within the charity sector. I spent a year volunteering in a boys orphanage in a small town called Oropesa in rural Peru, during which I fulfilled the role of big sister, mother and carer for a group of 13 indigenous boys. This proved to be one of the most transformative experiences of my life and career. Thanks to my experience in Peru, I was accepted to study Hispanic Studies at the University of Kent, during which I took another year out to work as an English and P.E teacher in Colombia whilst simultaneously volunteering at a rural school in my spare time. In 2014 I spent 4 months volunteering in Favela Vidigal in Rio de Janeiro teaching English through football for young girls, in 2015 I spent 3 months working at a camp in San Francisco for disadvantaged young people in which I managed the programming for girls aged 13-16. After coming back from America I spent a year working as a motivational speaker in schools at a charity called WE on behalf of the Mayor Of London’s office and now work at The Change Foundation as The Women and Girls Project Manager. I have a raw and genuine passion for working with marginalised and disadvantaged young people, both nationally and internationally but in particular with young women from BAME communities. I have been able to draw upon my varied experiences and lessons learnt from around the world to bring a new, unique and exciting take on youth development.