Angeline Aow

Angeline Aow is an international educator, learning and development specialist, workshop facilitator, school evaluator and pedagogical leader.

Angeline trained and taught as a teacher in Sydney, Australia. She began teaching internationally in Nanjing, China and has worked at Berlin International School, Germany, since 2005. Her experiences as a teacher, music specialist, curriculum coordinator and professional learning and development designer has given her unique insights in multiple areas of organizational change, growth and development.

Born in Malaysia, Angeline’s family migrated to Australia in the mid-1980s. Growing up and attending school as a visible minority in a country with colonial roots was challenging across multiple factors. Through this experience she developed an empathy for learners who are seen as being different and a moral purpose to create learning experiences that values multilingualism, intercultural understanding and being an ethical upstander who values others with respect and dignity. Angeline is a lifelong learner who values the development of ‘soft skills; although she much prefers calling them transferable skills as there is nothing soft about these essential capabilities. She believes that learning is a social and interdisciplinary act and has consistently worked to build stronger partnerships between organizations from the business and entrepreneurial world and schools. Angeline’s goal is to make learning purposeful and to cultivate active citizens who have the skills, mindsets, knowledge and understandings to transfer and create actionable solutions for a better and more peaceful world.

Career highlights for Angeline can be captured through the pedagogical leadership she has engaged in throughout her work in school and educational institutions across the globe. She works for the International Baccalaureate organization to develop curriculum documentation and professional development materials. Angeline has also led 100+ workshops for teachers and leaders to support learning and teaching, pedagogical leadership and understanding of multilingual and intercultural landscapes across the Europe, Middle-East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.