Emily Olivia

Emily is a 6 years old girl (Y1 student) dedicated to inspiring and empowering children to learn STEM.

She is on a mission to inspire and empower the next generation of changemakers. Emily’s passion for STEM education is evident in the way she engages with young children, particularly girls, and fosters their curiosity and interest in the field through her YouTube channel (@STEMPlayground), Instagram (@thisisemilyolivia), TikTok (@stemplayground) focusing on creating and sharing free educational content for primary aged kids and reaching hundreds of thousands of people on a daily basis. Her work directly contributes to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all as well as achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. Emily always ensures her instructions for STEM projects are clear and easy to follow even by the youngest online audience by breaking down complex concepts and making them accessible, engaging, and interactive to children of all ages and backgrounds. Her proactive and positive approach to promoting STEM education in the UK community encourages children to explore STEM subjects. Emily has been actively working towards closing the gender gap in STEM, and her continuous efforts and dedication have made her a tireless advocate for STEM education, and her contributions have made a significant difference in the lives of children. Her commitment to empowering the next generation of STEM leaders has helped to create a more inclusive and diverse STEM community.