Giulia Marzetti

A female in engineering and an engineer in consulting, Giulia has crafted a portfolio career as a consultant, project manager and policy officer in sustainable transport, energy storage, decarbonisation and technologies applied to cities and industry.

As a UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) advocate, Giulia is passionate about using technologies to build a more sustainable and equitable world.

Her expertise in sustainable infrastructures and climate change has brought her to be a delegate and speaker at UNFCCC COP26, COP27 and a delegate at the 12th Conference of Youth as part of COP22 in Marrakesh, a delegate to the 2019 UN Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE region, a delegate at the Obama Foundation Town Hall Europe, 2019 Goalkeepers Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation a Talent of the UN Innovation Lab for Sustainable Development Goals and a Delegate at the Yunus Social Design Lab in Bangladesh and C40 Women4Climate programme in Glasgow.