From an early age I have been interested in people’s behaviours leading me to study Psychology and become an accredited Chartered Occupational Psychologist.

I grew up in Manchester, in a predominately white area, where being an Asian woman was rare. When I moved to London at the age of 25, I was excited by the multi cultural nature of the city but struck by the lack of diversity in the workplace, particularly at senior management level. I also became aware of the different challenges people faced based on their gender, race, ethnicity and social class.

Through my career so far I have been committed to challenging attitudes and championing the importance and benefits of diversity and inclusion (D&I) to the business. I have been recognised internally and externally for the work I have done to remove barriers to entering employment and progression for certain groups. Over the years I have also presented at various events and forums,  sharing my experiences and advising on what organisations can do to support their D&I agenda.

I can certainly relate to some of the challenges women in employment face and without the amazing support and encouragement from some great managers, male and female, who have seen the potential in me and pushed me, I would not have achieved what I have to date. My own experiences have highlighted the importance of line managers and that is where I hope to continue to make the biggest impact in order to drive the D&I agenda further.