Sam Cooper-Gray

Sam Cooper-Gray is the Global Head of Propositions for HSBC Global Business Banking, based in London. Sam was appointed to this role in 2019.

In this role, she is responsible for leading the proposition for Global Business Banking, supporting over 1.3 million customers in 53 countries.

In addition to her responsibilities at HSBC Global Business Banking, Sam is the Global Co-Chair of HSBC BALANCE, an employee resource group focussed on ending gender imbalance within the bank and across the industry, by creating an environment where gender balance is the norm, impacting over 50,000 members, 150 Senior leader ambassadors and advocates in 43 countries around the world. Sam regularly speaks at industry events on the topic of gender equality and empowering women in financial services. She is also a Board member for Women on the Wharf, leading the creation of the new Beyond Mentoring programme connecting mentors and mentees across businesses. In addition to this Sam is a Non Exec Director for Mason Breese, a Jersey based change management company, advising on diversity and inclusion and is a mentor both internally and externally.

Prior to taking on her current role, Cooper-Gray was the Global Head of Learning for HSBC Commercial Banking, supporting the development of over 24,000 employees across 53 countries and has held senior positions within HSBC for 20 years, having joined as a graduate in 2000. These roles include, Chief Operating Officer, HSBC Channel Islands Commercial Banking, Regional Head of Client Experience HSBC Global Trade, Europe as well as relationship management and leadership roles in both HSBC UK Commercial and Retail Banking and Wholesale Risk.

Cooper-Gray holds a Bachelor’s degrees in History and Politics from the University of Kent at Canterbury and in Banking and Finance from the University of Manchester.