Anna Radulovski

Originally from Ukraine, Anna began her diversity in tech empowerment journey in 2017 when she started Coding Girls.

Followed the launch of WomenTech Network, a women-led and women-focused organization to empower women globally through mentorship, career development, and networking. She’s the organizer of the WomenTech Global Conference uniting 100 000 women in tech, minorities, and allies, growing the community to 60K members since 2019. Her leadership inspired and empowered +6000 Ambassadors from 172 countries to join and unite women in tech in times of uncertainty.

As a Regional Director at the Founder Institute, her mission is to enable talented and aspiring female founders to become innovators and leaders and start and launch impactful companies. Ever since she joined the Founder institute the percentage of female graduates increased to 65% in 2021.

She is a regular speaker at large conferences in tech and business (Webit, EBAN, WeAreDevelopers) and a startup jury for girls and women contests and competitions like Enterpregirl. She views other women-focused organizations and startups as partners rather than competitors and due date WomenTech Network has over 200+ community members. (We’d be happy to have WeAreTheCity as a community as well)

As an organizer of WomenTech Global Awards, she put the highest priority on making sure women are seen, heard, and recognized. More than 2000+ women were recognized during the WomenTech Global Awards in 2022, with 60 winners in 22 categories including Women-Led Startup of the Year, Diversity in Tech Initiative, Diversity & Inclusion Officer of the Year, LGBTG+ AI Inclusion.